I think a lot of people would argue that some people are lucky enough to live the … (2) … sorry, live the fairy tale. The disillusionment one experiences through being let down by love. I'm talking about fairy tales in general. In the song you also say old fairy tales are "full of shit" – which ones are you talking about? It indicates something much more than it used to mean, and that's kinda cool.Ĭould you extend it? Write a song about fax machines? Betamax videos? If you're using a payphone that illustrates the point that you're struggling somehow or you've lost your cell. I think in the age of the cellphone the payphone has transitioned from this thing we used to use on a very regular basis to this thing that is only associated with being used by someone under duress or in an emergency. Why do you think people relate to the lyrics of Payphone, given that nobody uses them any more? You could call China for $1 on a cellphone. How much does a payphone call cost these days? OK, I didn't use it but I was inside an actual old phone booth and it was a very nostalgic feeling. Now, when did you last use an actual payphone? You don't get to No1 by being lazy, that's for sure – and you're No1 over here with Payphone. Hello Adam! It's 9am where you are, is this the earliest a pop star has ever got out of bed?